Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today would be a good day to be a what...?

i used to tell jaden 'today would be a good day to be a... duck (or kite- or whatever)' so one day he said to me 'aunt stephy what would today be a good day to be a what?'


Today (Wednesday) would be a good day to be a... kite.

The last few days and most of the weekend- would be a good day to be a... duck.

North of here a few days ago- would be a good day to be a... snowman!

anyway i think of that anytime we have some kind of weather that is somewhat extreme- and thought i would share it!

my mom is coming home tonight- i'm going with dad and katie to pick her up in motown around 10pm. i'm know she has had a good time visiting G&G Yeager, her friend Debbie in CA, and all of G&G's friends too- BUT i think she is ready to be home (aka- missing the boys mostly).

hmm well... the end...

1 comment:

Hannah said...

today would be a good day to be......

an ice skate.


because our driveway is solid ice!